Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.impl

Class Summary
BlockFactoryImpl BlockFactoryImpl Abstract Base Class for the Block Factories
BlockImpl BlockImpl Abstract Base class for various Block Implementations.
MessageFactoryImpl MessageFactoryImpl
MessageImpl MessageImpl A Message is an XML part + Attachments.
XMLPartBase XMLPartBase class for an XMLPart An XMLPart is an abstraction of the xml portion of the message.
XMLPartFactoryImpl MessageFactoryImpl
XMLPartImpl XMLPartImpl

This class extends the implementation of the XMLPartBase so that it can define the transformations between OM, SAAJ SOAPEnvelope and XMLSpine.

XMLStreamReaderForXMLSpine XMLStreamReaderForXMLSpine

An XMLSpine is composed of many different parts: a sparse OM tree, header blocks, body blocks, etc.


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