Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.util

Interface Summary
WSDLWrapper Defines WSDL Access methods

Class Summary
BaseWSDLLocator This class is the base for an implementation of a WSDL4J interface that will be supplied to a WSDLReader instance.
CatalogURIResolver This resolver provides the means of resolving the imports and includes of a given schema document.
CatalogWSDLLocator This class is an implementation of a WSDL4J interface and is the implementation we supply to a WSDLReader instance.
ClassLoaderUtils Deprecated. - Security Risk.
ModuleWSDLLocator This class is an implementation of a WSDL4J interface and is the implementation we supply to a WSDLReader instance.
WSDL4JWrapper Implementation of WSDLWrapper interface which controls access to the underlying Definition (WSDLDefinitionWrapper).

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