Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.utility

Interface Summary
ExecutorFactory This is the interface that should be implemented by classes that wish to provide Executor instances to the JAX-WS runtime.

Class Summary
ClassUtils Contains static Class utility methods related to method parameter/argument marshalling.
ConvertUtils Provides utilities to convert an object into a different kind of Object.
FailureLogger Logs an error to a specified limit.
JavaUtils Common Java Utilites
JAXWSExecutorFactory This is an implementation of the ExecutorFactory interface.
JAXWSThreadFactory Factory to create threads in the ThreadPool Executor.
PropertyDescriptorPlus A PropertyDescriptor provides acesss to a bean property.
SAAJFactory Provides convenience methods to construct a SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 SAAJ MessageFactory or SOAPFactory.
SingleThreadedExecutor A simple Executor implementation that does not create a new thread for processing work, but just borrows the current thread.

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