
Uses of Interface

Packages that use Ehcache
net.sf.ehcache This package contains the public API for using ehcache. 
net.sf.ehcache.bootstrap This package contains the bootstrap cache loader interface and abstract factory. 
net.sf.ehcache.config This package contains the cache configuration code. 
net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking Doug Lea in his book Concurrent Programming in Java talks about concurrency support constructs. 
net.sf.ehcache.distribution This package is for cache replication. 
net.sf.ehcache.distribution.jgroups This package is for cache replication using Jgroups. 
net.sf.ehcache.event This package contains interfaces and classes for listening to events. 
net.sf.ehcache.exceptionhandler This package is for exception handling. 
net.sf.ehcache.extension This package contains interfaces and classes for the cache extension mechanism. 
net.sf.ehcache.hibernate This package contains interfaces and classes for Hibernate3.1 and higher. 
net.sf.ehcache.jcache This package contains an implementation of JSR-107: the JCACHE API. This package contains JMX MBeans and implementations for management of ehcache. Store package. 

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache

Classes in net.sf.ehcache that implement Ehcache
 class Cache
          Cache is the central class in ehcache.

Methods in net.sf.ehcache that return Ehcache
 Ehcache Statistics.getAssociatedCache()
 Ehcache CacheManager.getEhcache(java.lang.String name)
          Gets an Ehcache


Methods in net.sf.ehcache with parameters of type Ehcache
 void CacheManager.addCache(Ehcache cache)
          Adds an Ehcache to the CacheManager.
 void CacheManager.replaceCacheWithDecoratedCache(Ehcache ehcache, Ehcache decoratedCache)
          Replaces in the map of Caches managed by this CacheManager an Ehcache with a decorated version of the same Ehcache.
 void CacheManager.replaceEhcacheWithJCache(Ehcache ehcache, JCache jCache)
          Replaces in the map of Caches managed by this CacheManager an Ehcache with a JCache decorated version of the same (see Ehcache equals method) Ehcache, in a single synchronized method.

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache with parameters of type Ehcache
Statistics(Ehcache cache, int statisticsAccuracy, long cacheHits, long onDiskHits, long inMemoryHits, long misses, long size, float averageGetTime, long evictionCount)
          Creates a new statistics object, associated with a Cache

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.bootstrap

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.bootstrap with parameters of type Ehcache
 void BootstrapCacheLoader.load(Ehcache cache)
          Instructs the loader to load the given cache

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.config

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.config that return Ehcache
(package private)  Ehcache ConfigurationHelper.createCache(CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration)
          Create a cache given a cache configuration
(package private)  Ehcache ConfigurationHelper.createCacheFromName(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a cache from configuration where the configuration cache name matches the given name
 Ehcache ConfigurationHelper.createDefaultCache()

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.config with parameters of type Ehcache
protected static void ConfigurationHelper.registerCacheExtensions(CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration, Ehcache cache)
          A factory method to register cache extensions

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.asynchronous

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.asynchronous that return Ehcache
 Ehcache AsynchronousCommandExecutor.getMessageCache()
          Gets the message cache

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking

Classes in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking that implement Ehcache
 class BlockingCache
          A blocking decorator for an Ehcache, backed by a Ehcache.
 class SelfPopulatingCache
          A selfpopulating decorator for Ehcache that creates entries on demand.
 class UpdatingSelfPopulatingCache
          A Cache backed cache that creates entries on demand.

Fields in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking declared as Ehcache
protected  Ehcache BlockingCache.cache
          The backing Cache

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking that return Ehcache
protected  Ehcache BlockingCache.getCache()
          Retrieve the EHCache backing cache

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking with parameters of type Ehcache
protected  void SelfPopulatingCache.refreshElement(Element element, Ehcache backingCache)
          Refresh a single element.

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking with parameters of type Ehcache
BlockingCache(Ehcache cache)
          Creates a BlockingCache which decorates the supplied cache.
SelfPopulatingCache(Ehcache cache, CacheEntryFactory factory)
          Creates a SelfPopulatingCache.
UpdatingSelfPopulatingCache(Ehcache cache, UpdatingCacheEntryFactory factory)
          Creates a SelfPopulatingCache.

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.distribution

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.distribution that return Ehcache
(package private)  Ehcache RMICachePeer.getBoundCacheInstance()
          Gets the cache instance that this listener is bound to

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.distribution with parameters of type Ehcache
protected  java.util.List RMIBootstrapCacheLoader.acquireCachePeers(Ehcache cache)
          Acquires the cache peers for this cache.
 void RMIBootstrapCacheLoader.doLoad(Ehcache cache)
          Bootstraps the cache from a random CachePeer.
protected  void RMIBootstrapCacheLoader.fetchAndPutElements(Ehcache cache, java.util.List requestChunk, CachePeer cachePeer)
          Fetches a chunk of elements from a remote cache peer
protected  boolean RMICacheManagerPeerListener.isDistributed(Ehcache cache)
          Determine if the given cache is distributed.
(package private) static java.util.List RMISynchronousCacheReplicator.listRemoteCachePeers(Ehcache cache)
          Package protected List of cache peers
abstract  java.util.List RMICacheManagerPeerProvider.listRemoteCachePeers(Ehcache cache)
protected  java.util.List RMIBootstrapCacheLoader.listRemoteCachePeers(Ehcache cache)
          Package protected List of cache peers
 java.util.List MulticastRMICacheManagerPeerProvider.listRemoteCachePeers(Ehcache cache)
 java.util.List ManualRMICacheManagerPeerProvider.listRemoteCachePeers(Ehcache cache)
 java.util.List CacheManagerPeerProvider.listRemoteCachePeers(Ehcache cache)
 void RMIBootstrapCacheLoader.load(Ehcache cache)
          Bootstraps the cache from a random CachePeer.
 void RMISynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyElementEvicted(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element is evicted from the cache.
 void RMISynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyElementExpired(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element is found to be expired.

This implementation does not propagate expiries.

 void RMISynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyElementPut(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache.
 void RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyElementPut(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache.

This implementation queues the put notification for in-order replication to peers.

 void RMISynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyElementRemoved(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an attempt to remove an element.
 void RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyElementRemoved(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an attempt to remove an element.
 void RMISynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyElementUpdated(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache and the element already existed in the cache.
 void RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyElementUpdated(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache and the element already existed in the cache.
 void RMISynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyRemoveAll(Ehcache cache)
          Called during removeAll() to indicate that the all elements have been removed from the cache in a bulk operation.
 void RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.notifyRemoveAll(Ehcache cache)
          Called during removeAll() to indicate that the all elements have been removed from the cache in a bulk operation.

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.distribution with parameters of type Ehcache
RMICachePeer(Ehcache cache, java.lang.String hostName, java.lang.Integer rmiRegistryPort, java.lang.Integer remoteObjectPort, java.lang.Integer socketTimeoutMillis)
          Construct a new remote peer.

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.distribution.jgroups

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.distribution.jgroups that return Ehcache
 Ehcache JGroupEventMessage.getCache()

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.distribution.jgroups with parameters of type Ehcache
(package private) static java.util.List JGroupsCacheReplicator.listRemoteCachePeers(Ehcache cache)
          Package protected List of cache peers
 java.util.List JGroupManager.listRemoteCachePeers(Ehcache cache)
 void JGroupsCacheReplicator.notifyElementEvicted(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element is evicted from the cache.
 void JGroupsCacheReplicator.notifyElementExpired(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element is found to be expired.
 void JGroupsCacheReplicator.notifyElementPut(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache.
 void JGroupsCacheReplicator.notifyElementRemoved(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an attempt to remove an element.
 void JGroupsCacheReplicator.notifyElementUpdated(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache and the element already existed in the cache.
 void JGroupsCacheReplicator.notifyRemoveAll(Ehcache cache)
          Called during removeAll() to indicate that the all elements have been removed from the cache in a bulk operation.
protected  void JGroupsCacheReplicator.sendNotification(Ehcache cache, JGroupEventMessage e)
          Used to send notification to the peer.

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.distribution.jgroups with parameters of type Ehcache
JGroupEventMessage(int event, key, Element element, Ehcache cache, java.lang.String cacheName)
          An event message for the JGroupsCacheReplicator.

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.event

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.event with parameters of type Ehcache
 void CacheEventListener.notifyElementEvicted(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element is evicted from the cache.
 void CacheEventListener.notifyElementExpired(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element is found to be expired.
 void CacheEventListener.notifyElementPut(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache.
 void CacheEventListener.notifyElementRemoved(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an attempt to remove an element.
 void CacheEventListener.notifyElementUpdated(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache and the element already existed in the cache.
 void CacheEventListener.notifyRemoveAll(Ehcache cache)
          Called during removeAll() to indicate that the all elements have been removed from the cache in a bulk operation.

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.event with parameters of type Ehcache
RegisteredEventListeners(Ehcache cache)
          Constructs a new notification service

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.exceptionhandler

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.exceptionhandler that return Ehcache
static Ehcache ExceptionHandlingDynamicCacheProxy.createProxy(Ehcache ehcache)
          A simple factory method to hide the messiness of creating the proxy from clients.

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.exceptionhandler with parameters of type Ehcache
static Ehcache ExceptionHandlingDynamicCacheProxy.createProxy(Ehcache ehcache)
          A simple factory method to hide the messiness of creating the proxy from clients.
 void CacheExceptionHandler.onException(Ehcache ehcache, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Exception exception)
          Called if an Exception occurs in a Cache method.

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.exceptionhandler with parameters of type Ehcache
ExceptionHandlingDynamicCacheProxy(Ehcache ehcache)
          Constructor: Use with something like:

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.extension

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.extension with parameters of type Ehcache
 CacheExtension CacheExtension.clone(Ehcache cache)
          Creates a clone of this extension.
abstract  CacheExtension CacheExtensionFactory.createCacheExtension(Ehcache cache, java.util.Properties properties)

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.hibernate

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.hibernate that return Ehcache
(package private)  Ehcache EhCache.getBackingCache()
          Package protected method used for testing

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.hibernate with parameters of type Ehcache
EhCache(Ehcache cache)
          Creates a new Hibernate pluggable cache by name.

Uses of Ehcache in net.sf.ehcache.jcache

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.jcache that return Ehcache
 Ehcache JCache.getBackingCache()
          Gets the backing Ehcache

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.jcache with parameters of type Ehcache
 void JCacheListenerAdaptor.notifyElementEvicted(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element is evicted from the cache.
 void JCacheListenerAdaptor.notifyElementExpired(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element is found to be expired.
 void JCacheListenerAdaptor.notifyElementPut(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache.
 void JCacheListenerAdaptor.notifyElementRemoved(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been removed.
 void JCacheListenerAdaptor.notifyElementUpdated(Ehcache cache, Element element)
          Called immediately after an element has been put into the cache and the element already existed in the cache.
 void JCacheListenerAdaptor.notifyRemoveAll(Ehcache cache)
          Called during removeAll() to indicate that the all elements have been removed from the cache in a bulk operation.

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.jcache with parameters of type Ehcache
JCache(Ehcache cache)
          A constructor for JCache.
JCache(Ehcache cache, net.sf.jsr107cache.CacheLoader cacheLoader)
          A constructor for JCache.
JCache(Ehcache cache, CacheLoader cacheLoader)
          A constructor for JCache.

Uses of Ehcache in

Constructors in with parameters of type Ehcache
Cache(Ehcache cache)
          A constructor for JCache.
CacheConfiguration(Ehcache cache)
          Constructs using a backing CacheConfiguration
CacheStatistics(Ehcache ehcache)
          Constructs an object from an ehcache statistics object

Uses of Ehcache in

Fields in declared as Ehcache
protected  Ehcache MemoryStore.cache
          The cache this store is associated with.

Methods in with parameters of type Ehcache
static MemoryStore MemoryStore.create(Ehcache cache, Store diskStore)
          A factory method to create a MemoryStore.

Constructors in with parameters of type Ehcache
DiskStore(Ehcache cache, java.lang.String diskPath)
          Creates a disk store.
FifoMemoryStore(Ehcache cache, Store diskStore)
          Constructor for the FifoMemoryStore object.
LfuMemoryStore(Ehcache cache, Store diskStore)
          Constructor for the LfuMemoryStore object.
LruMemoryStore(Ehcache cache, Store diskStore)
          Constructor for the LruMemoryStore object The backing LinkedHashMap is created with LRU by access order.
MemoryStore(Ehcache cache, Store diskStore)
          Constructs things that all MemoryStores have in common.
