Uses of Class

Packages that use TextPropCollection   

Uses of TextPropCollection in

Methods in with parameters of type TextPropCollection
static void TextStyleListing.showTextProps(TextPropCollection tpc)

Uses of TextPropCollection in org.apache.poi.hslf.record

Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf.record that return TextPropCollection
 TextPropCollection StyleTextPropAtom.addCharacterTextPropCollection(int charactersCovered)
          Create a new Character TextPropCollection, and add it to the list
 TextPropCollection StyleTextPropAtom.addParagraphTextPropCollection(int charactersCovered)
          Create a new Paragraph TextPropCollection, and add it to the list
 TextPropCollection[] TxMasterStyleAtom.getCharacterStyles()
          Returns array of character styles defined in this record.
 TextPropCollection[] TxMasterStyleAtom.getParagraphStyles()
          Returns array of paragraph styles defined in this record.

Uses of TextPropCollection in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel

Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel that return TextPropCollection
 TextPropCollection RichTextRun._getRawCharacterStyle()
          Internal Use Only - get the underlying character style collection.
 TextPropCollection RichTextRun._getRawParagraphStyle()
          Internal Use Only - get the underlying paragraph style collection.

Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel with parameters of type TextPropCollection
 void RichTextRun.supplyTextProps(TextPropCollection pStyle, TextPropCollection cStyle, boolean pShared, boolean cShared)
          Supply (normally default) textprops, and if they're shared, when a run gets them

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel with parameters of type TextPropCollection
RichTextRun(TextRun parent, int startAt, int len, TextPropCollection pStyle, TextPropCollection cStyle, boolean pShared, boolean cShared)
          Create a new wrapper around a rich text string

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