Package org.apache.poi.hslf.record

Interface Summary
ParentAwareRecord Interface to define how a record can indicate it cares about what its parent is, and how it wants to be told which record is its parent.
PersistRecord A record that can be referenced in PersistPtr storage.
PositionDependentRecord Records which either care about where they are on disk, or have other records who care about where they are, will implement this interface.

Class Summary
ColorSchemeAtom A ColorSchemeAtom (type 2032).
Comment2000 This class represents a comment on a slide, in the format used by PPT 2000/XP/etc.
Comment2000Atom An atomic record containing information about a comment.
CString A CString (type 4026).
CurrentUserAtom This is a special kind of Atom, becauase it doesn't live inside the PowerPoint document.
Document Master container for Document.
DocumentAtom A Document Atom (type 1001).
DocumentAtom.SlideSize Holds the different Slide Size values
DocumentEncryptionAtom A Document Encryption Atom (type 12052).
DummyPositionSensitiveRecordWithChildren If we come across a record we know has children of (potential) interest, but where the record itself is boring, but where other records may care about where this one lives, we create one of these.
DummyRecordWithChildren If we come across a record we know has children of (potential) interest, but where the record itself is boring, we create one of these.
Environment Environment, which contains lots of settings for the document.
EscherTextboxWrapper A wrapper around a DDF (Escher) EscherTextbox Record.
ExControl Container for OLE Control object.
ExControlAtom Contains a long integer, slideID, which stores the unique slide identifier of the slide where this control resides.
ExEmbed This data represents an embedded object in the document.
ExEmbedAtom The atom that holds metadata on a specific embedded object in the document.
ExHyperlink This class represents the data of a link in the document.
ExHyperlinkAtom Tne atom that holds metadata on a specific Link in the document.
ExObjList This class holds the links to exernal objects referenced from the document.
ExObjListAtom Tne atom that holds the seed info used by a ExObjList
ExOleObjAtom Atom storing information for an OLE object.
ExOleObjStg Storage for embedded OLE objects.
FontCollection FontCollection ia a container that holds information about all the fonts in the presentation.
FontEntityAtom This atom corresponds exactly to a Windows Logical Font (LOGFONT) structure.
InteractiveInfo This class represents the metadata of a link in a slide/notes/etc.
InteractiveInfoAtom Tne atom that holds metadata on Links in the document.
MainMaster Master slide
Notes Master container for Notes.
NotesAtom A Notes Atom (type 1009).
OEPlaceholderAtom OEPlaceholderAtom (3011).
OutlineTextRefAtom OEPlaceholderAtom (3998).
PersistPtrHolder General holder for PersistPtrFullBlock and PersistPtrIncrementalBlock records.
PositionDependentRecordAtom A special (and dangerous) kind of Record Atom that cares about where it lives on the disk, or who has other Atoms that care about where this is on the disk.
PositionDependentRecordContainer A special (and dangerous) kind of Record Container, for which other Atoms care about where this one lives on disk.
PPDrawing These are actually wrappers onto Escher drawings.
PPDrawingGroup Container records which always exists inside Document.
Record This abstract class represents a record in the PowerPoint document.
RecordAtom Abstract class which all atom records will extend.
RecordContainer Abstract class which all container records will extend.
RecordTypes List of all known record types in a PowerPoint document, and the classes that handle them.
RecordTypes.Type Wrapper for the details of a PowerPoint or Escher record type.
SheetContainer The superclass of all sheet container records - Slide, Notes, MainMaster, etc.
Slide Master container for Slides.
SlideAtom A Slide Atom (type 1007).
SlideListWithText These are tricky beasts.
SlidePersistAtom A SlidePersist Atom (type 1011).
Sound A container holding information about a sound.
SoundCollection Is a container for all sound related atoms and containers.
SoundData Storage for embedded sounds.
StyleTextPropAtom A StyleTextPropAtom (type 4001).
TextBytesAtom A TextBytesAtom (type 4008).
TextCharsAtom A TextCharsAtom (type 4000).
TextHeaderAtom A TextHeaderAtom (type 3999).
TextRulerAtom Ruler of a text as it differs from the style's ruler settings.
TextSpecInfoAtom The special info runs contained in this text.
TxInteractiveInfoAtom Tne atom that holds starting and ending character positions of a hyperlink
TxMasterStyleAtom TxMasterStyleAtom atom (4003).
UnknownRecordPlaceholder If we come across a record we don't know about, we create one of these.
UserEditAtom A UserEdit Atom (type 4085).

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