Class Document

  extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Record
      extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordContainer
          extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.record.PositionDependentRecordContainer
              extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Document
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Document
extends PositionDependentRecordContainer

Master container for Document. There is one of these for every slideshow, and it holds lots of definitions, and some summaries.

Nick Burch

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.PositionDependentRecordContainer
Fields inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordContainer
Fields inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Record
Constructor Summary
protected Document(byte[] source, int start, int len)
          Set things up, and find our more interesting children
Method Summary
 void addSlideListWithText(SlideListWithText slwt)
          Adds a new SlideListWithText record, at the appropriate point in the child records.
 DocumentAtom getDocumentAtom()
          Returns the DocumentAtom of this Document
 Environment getEnvironment()
          Returns the Environment of this Notes, which lots of settings for the document in it
 ExObjList getExObjList()
          Returns the ExObjList, which holds the references to external objects used in the slides.
 SlideListWithText getMasterSlideListWithText()
          Returns the SlideListWithText that deals with the Master Slides
 SlideListWithText getNotesSlideListWithText()
          Returns the SlideListWithText that deals with the notes, or null if there isn't one
 PPDrawingGroup getPPDrawingGroup()
          Returns the PPDrawingGroup, which holds an Escher Structure that contains information on pictures in the slides.
 long getRecordType()
          We are of type 1000
 SlideListWithText[] getSlideListWithTexts()
          Returns all the SlideListWithTexts that are defined for this Document.
 SlideListWithText getSlideSlideListWithText()
          Returns the SlideListWithText that deals with the Slides, or null if there isn't one
 void writeOut( out)
          Write the contents of the record back, so it can be written to disk
Methods inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.PositionDependentRecordContainer
getLastOnDiskOffset, getSheetId, setLastOnDiskOffset, setSheetId, updateOtherRecordReferences
Methods inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordContainer
addChildAfter, addChildBefore, appendChildRecord, getChildRecords, isAnAtom, moveChildBefore, moveChildrenAfter, moveChildrenBefore, writeOut
Methods inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Record
buildRecordAtOffset, createRecordForType, findChildRecords, writeLittleEndian, writeLittleEndian
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected Document(byte[] source,
                   int start,
                   int len)
Set things up, and find our more interesting children

Method Detail


public DocumentAtom getDocumentAtom()
Returns the DocumentAtom of this Document


public Environment getEnvironment()
Returns the Environment of this Notes, which lots of settings for the document in it


public PPDrawingGroup getPPDrawingGroup()
Returns the PPDrawingGroup, which holds an Escher Structure that contains information on pictures in the slides.


public ExObjList getExObjList()
Returns the ExObjList, which holds the references to external objects used in the slides. This may be null, if there are no external references.


public SlideListWithText[] getSlideListWithTexts()
Returns all the SlideListWithTexts that are defined for this Document. They hold the text, and some of the text properties, which are referred to by the slides. This will normally return an array of size 2 or 3


public SlideListWithText getMasterSlideListWithText()
Returns the SlideListWithText that deals with the Master Slides


public SlideListWithText getSlideSlideListWithText()
Returns the SlideListWithText that deals with the Slides, or null if there isn't one


public SlideListWithText getNotesSlideListWithText()
Returns the SlideListWithText that deals with the notes, or null if there isn't one


public void addSlideListWithText(SlideListWithText slwt)
Adds a new SlideListWithText record, at the appropriate point in the child records.


public long getRecordType()
We are of type 1000

Specified by:
getRecordType in class Record


public void writeOut( out)
Write the contents of the record back, so it can be written to disk

Specified by:
writeOut in class Record

Copyright 2008 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.