Packages that use SOAPException | |
javax.xml.soap | |
org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util | |
org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util.impl | |
org.apache.axis2.jaxws.utility | |
org.apache.axis2.saaj |
Uses of SOAPException in javax.xml.soap |
Methods in javax.xml.soap that throw SOAPException | |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addAttribute(Name name,
java.lang.String value)
Adds an attribute with the specified name and value to this SOAPElement object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addAttribute(QName qname,
java.lang.String value)
SOAPBody |
Creates a SOAPBody object and sets it as the SOAPBody object for
this SOAPEnvelope object. |
SOAPBodyElement |
SOAPBody.addBodyElement(Name name)
Creates a new SOAPBodyElement object with the specified name and adds it to this
SOAPBody object. |
SOAPBodyElement |
SOAPBody.addBodyElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addChildElement(Name name)
Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the given Name
object and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addChildElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addChildElement(SOAPElement element)
Add a SOAPElement as a child of this SOAPElement instance. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName)
Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the given String
object and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the specified local name and
prefix and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the specified local name,
prefix, and URI and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object. |
Detail |
Creates a Detail object and sets it as the Detail object for this
SOAPFault object. |
DetailEntry |
Detail.addDetailEntry(Name name)
Creates a new DetailEntry object with the given name and adds it to this
Detail object. |
DetailEntry |
Detail.addDetailEntry(QName qname)
SOAPBodyElement |
SOAPBody.addDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Adds the root node of the DOM Document to this SOAPBody object. |
SOAPFault |
Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody
object. |
SOAPFault |
SOAPBody.addFault(Name faultCode,
java.lang.String faultString)
Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object. |
SOAPFault |
SOAPBody.addFault(Name faultCode,
java.lang.String faultString,
java.util.Locale locale)
Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object. |
SOAPFault |
SOAPBody.addFault(QName qname,
java.lang.String s)
SOAPFault |
SOAPBody.addFault(QName qname,
java.lang.String s,
java.util.Locale locale)
void |
SOAPFault.addFaultReasonText(java.lang.String reasonText,
java.util.Locale locale)
SOAPHeader |
Creates a SOAPHeader object and sets it as the SOAPHeader object
for this SOAPEnvelope object. |
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeader.addHeaderElement(Name name)
Creates a new SOAPHeaderElement object initialized with the specified name and
adds it to this SOAPHeader object. |
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeader.addHeaderElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addNamespaceDeclaration(java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Adds a namespace declaration with the specified prefix and URI to this SOAPElement object. |
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeader.addNotUnderstoodHeaderElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.addTextNode(java.lang.String text)
Creates a new Text object initialized with the given String and
adds it to this SOAPElement object. |
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeader.addUpgradeHeaderElement(java.util.Iterator iterator)
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeader.addUpgradeHeaderElement(java.lang.String s)
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeader.addUpgradeHeaderElement(java.lang.String[] as)
void |
SOAPFault.appendFaultSubcode(QName qname)
abstract SOAPMessage |
SOAPConnection.call(SOAPMessage request,
java.lang.Object endpoint)
Sends the given message to the specified endpoint and blocks until it has returned the response. |
abstract void |
Closes this SOAPConnection object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementFactory.create(Name name)
Deprecated. Use javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory.createElement(javax.xml.soap.Name) instead |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementFactory.create(java.lang.String localName)
Deprecated. Use javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory.createElement(String localName) instead |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementFactory.create(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Deprecated. Use javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory.createElement(String localName, String prefix, String uri) instead |
abstract SOAPConnection |
Create a new SOAPConnection . |
abstract Detail |
Creates a new Detail object which serves as a container for
DetailEntry objects. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPFactory.createElement(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
Creates a SOAPElement object from an existing DOM Element. |
abstract SOAPElement |
SOAPFactory.createElement(Name name)
Create a SOAPElement object initialized with the given Name
object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPFactory.createElement(QName qname)
Creates a SOAPElement object initialized with the given QName object. |
abstract SOAPElement |
SOAPFactory.createElement(java.lang.String localName)
Create a SOAPElement object initialized with the given local name. |
abstract SOAPElement |
SOAPFactory.createElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Create a new SOAPElement object with the given local name, prefix and uri. |
abstract SOAPFault |
abstract SOAPFault |
SOAPFactory.createFault(java.lang.String reasonText,
QName faultCode)
abstract SOAPMessage |
Creates a new SOAPMessage object with the default SOAPPart ,
SOAPEnvelope , SOAPBody , and SOAPHeader objects. |
abstract SOAPMessage |
MessageFactory.createMessage(MimeHeaders mimeheaders,
java.io.InputStream inputstream)
Internalizes the contents of the given InputStream object into a new
SOAPMessage object and returns the SOAPMessage object. |
Name |
SOAPEnvelope.createName(java.lang.String localName)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name. |
abstract Name |
SOAPFactory.createName(java.lang.String localName)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name. |
Name |
SOAPEnvelope.createName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace
prefix, and namespace URI. |
abstract Name |
SOAPFactory.createName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace
prefix, and namespace URI. |
QName |
SOAPElement.createQName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
org.w3c.dom.Document |
SOAPMessage |
SOAPConnection.get(java.lang.Object obj)
Gets a message from a specific endpoint and blocks until it receives, |
abstract AttachmentPart |
SOAPMessage.getAttachment(SOAPElement soapelement)
abstract java.io.InputStream |
SOAPBody |
Returns the SOAPBody object associated with this SOAPEnvelope
object. |
abstract java.lang.Object |
Gets the content of this AttachmentPart object as a Java object. |
abstract javax.xml.transform.Source |
Returns the content of the SOAPEnvelope as a JAXP Source object. |
abstract javax.activation.DataHandler |
Gets the DataHandler object for this AttachmentPart object. |
abstract SOAPEnvelope |
Gets the SOAPEnvelope object associated with this SOAPPart object. |
java.util.Iterator |
java.lang.String |
SOAPFault.getFaultReasonText(java.util.Locale locale)
java.util.Iterator |
SOAPHeader |
Returns the SOAPHeader object for this SOAPEnvelope object. |
java.lang.Object |
SOAPMessage.getProperty(java.lang.String property)
Retrieves value of the specified property. |
abstract java.io.InputStream |
abstract byte[] |
abstract int |
Returns the number of bytes in this AttachmentPart object. |
SOAPBody |
Gets the SOAP Body contained in this SOAPMessage object. |
SOAPHeader |
Gets the SOAP Header contained in this SOAPMessage object. |
static MessageFactory |
Creates a new MessageFactory object that is an instance of the default
implementation. |
static SOAPElementFactory |
Deprecated. Creates a new instance of SOAPElementFactory . |
static SOAPConnectionFactory |
Creates an instance of the default SOAPConnectionFactory object. |
static SOAPFactory |
Creates a new instance of SOAPFactory . |
static MessageFactory |
MessageFactory.newInstance(java.lang.String soapVersion)
static SOAPFactory |
SOAPFactory.newInstance(java.lang.String s)
Creates a new SOAPFactory object that is an instance of the specified implementation, this method uses the SAAJMetaFactory to locate the implementation class and create the SOAPFactory instance. |
protected abstract MessageFactory |
SAAJMetaFactory.newMessageFactory(java.lang.String s)
protected abstract SOAPFactory |
SAAJMetaFactory.newSOAPFactory(java.lang.String s)
abstract void |
Updates this SOAPMessage object with all the changes that have been made to it. |
abstract void |
AttachmentPart.setBase64Content(java.io.InputStream inputstream,
java.lang.String s)
abstract void |
SOAPPart.setContent(javax.xml.transform.Source source)
Sets the content of the SOAPEnvelope object with the data from the given
Source object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElement.setElementQName(QName newName)
void |
SOAPElement.setEncodingStyle(java.lang.String encodingStyle)
Sets the encoding style for this SOAPElement object to one specified. |
void |
SOAPFault.setFaultActor(java.lang.String faultActor)
Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault actor. |
void |
SOAPFault.setFaultCode(Name name)
Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code. |
void |
SOAPFault.setFaultCode(QName qname)
void |
SOAPFault.setFaultCode(java.lang.String faultCode)
Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code. |
void |
SOAPFault.setFaultNode(java.lang.String s)
void |
SOAPFault.setFaultRole(java.lang.String s)
void |
SOAPFault.setFaultString(java.lang.String faultString)
Sets the fault string for this SOAPFault object to the given string. |
void |
SOAPFault.setFaultString(java.lang.String faultString,
java.util.Locale locale)
Sets the fault string for this SOAPFault object to the given string and
localized to the given locale. |
void |
Node.setParentElement(SOAPElement parent)
Sets the parent of this Node object to the given SOAPElement
object. |
void |
SOAPMessage.setProperty(java.lang.String property,
java.lang.Object value)
Associates the specified value with the specified property. |
abstract void |
AttachmentPart.setRawContent(java.io.InputStream inputstream,
java.lang.String s)
abstract void |
AttachmentPart.setRawContentBytes(byte[] abyte0,
int i,
int j,
java.lang.String s)
void |
SOAPHeaderElement.setRelay(boolean flag)
void |
SOAPHeaderElement.setRole(java.lang.String s)
abstract void |
SOAPMessage.writeTo(java.io.OutputStream out)
Writes this SOAPMessage object to the given output stream. |
Constructors in javax.xml.soap that throw SOAPException | |
SAAJResult(java.lang.String s)
Uses of SOAPException in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util |
Methods in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util that throw SOAPException | |
MessageFactory |
SAAJConverter.createMessageFactory(java.lang.String namespace)
Creates a MessageFactory that can support the SOAP version identified by the specified envelope namespace. |
static SOAPFault |
XMLFaultUtils.createSAAJFault(XMLFault xmlFault,
SOAPBody body)
Create a SOAPFault representing the XMLFault. |
static boolean |
XMLFaultUtils.isFault(SOAPEnvelope envelope)
Uses of SOAPException in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util.impl |
Methods in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util.impl that throw SOAPException | |
protected void |
SAAJConverterImpl.addAttributes(SAAJConverterImpl.NameCreator nc,
SOAPElement element,
javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader)
add attributes |
protected SOAPElement |
SAAJConverterImpl.createElement(SOAPElement parent,
QName qName)
Create child SOAPElement |
protected SOAPElement |
SAAJConverterImpl.createElementFromTag(SAAJConverterImpl.NameCreator nc,
SOAPElement parent,
javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader)
Create SOAPElement from the current tag data |
MessageFactory |
SAAJConverterImpl.createMessageFactory(java.lang.String namespace)
Name |
SAAJConverterImpl.NameCreator.createName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Creates a Name |
protected void |
SAAJConverterImpl.updateTagData(SAAJConverterImpl.NameCreator nc,
SOAPElement element,
javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader,
boolean newElement)
update the tag data of the SOAPElement |
Uses of SOAPException in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.utility |
Methods in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.utility that throw SOAPException | |
static MessageFactory |
SAAJFactory.createMessageFactory(java.lang.String namespace)
Create MessageFactory using information from the envelope namespace |
static SOAPFactory |
SAAJFactory.createSOAPFactory(java.lang.String namespace)
Create SOAPFactory using information from the envelope namespace |
Uses of SOAPException in org.apache.axis2.saaj |
Methods in org.apache.axis2.saaj that throw SOAPException | |
SOAPElement |
SOAPEnvelopeImpl.addAttribute(Name name,
java.lang.String value)
Override SOAPElement.addAttribute SOAP1.2 should not allow encodingStyle attribute to be set on Envelop |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addAttribute(Name name,
java.lang.String value)
Adds an attribute with the specified name and value to this SOAPElement object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyElementImpl.addAttribute(QName qname,
java.lang.String value)
SOAPElement |
DetailImpl.addAttribute(QName qname,
java.lang.String value)
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addAttribute(QName qname,
java.lang.String value)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addAttribute(QName qname,
java.lang.String value)
SOAPElement |
DetailEntryImpl.addAttribute(QName qname,
java.lang.String value)
SOAPBody |
Creates a SOAPBody object and sets it as the SOAPBody object for
this SOAPEnvelope object. |
SOAPBodyElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addBodyElement(Name name)
Creates a new SOAPBodyElement object with the specified name and adds it to this
SOAPBody object. |
SOAPBodyElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addBodyElement(QName qname)
Creates a new SOAPBodyElement object with the specified name and adds it to this
SOAPBody object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPEnvelopeImpl.addChildElement(Name name)
Override SOAPElement.addChildElement SOAP 1.2 should not allow element to be added after body element |
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addChildElement(Name name)
SOAPElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addChildElement(Name name)
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyElementImpl.addChildElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
DetailImpl.addChildElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addChildElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addChildElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
DetailEntryImpl.addChildElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addChildElement(SOAPElement soapElement)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addChildElement(SOAPElement soapElement)
SOAPElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addChildElement(SOAPElement soapElement)
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName)
SOAPElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName)
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
SOAPElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
SOAPElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addChildElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Detail |
DetailEntry |
DetailImpl.addDetailEntry(Name name)
Creates a new DetailEntry object with the given name and adds it to this
Detail object. |
DetailEntry |
DetailImpl.addDetailEntry(QName qname)
Creates a new DetailEntry object with the given name and adds it to this Detail object. |
SOAPBodyElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
Adds the root node of the DOM Document to this SOAPBody object. |
SOAPFault |
Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody
object. |
SOAPFault |
SOAPBodyImpl.addFault(Name faultCode,
java.lang.String faultString)
Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object. |
SOAPFault |
SOAPBodyImpl.addFault(Name faultCode,
java.lang.String faultString,
java.util.Locale locale)
Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object. |
SOAPFault |
SOAPBodyImpl.addFault(QName faultcode,
java.lang.String faultString)
SOAPFault |
SOAPBodyImpl.addFault(QName faultCode,
java.lang.String faultString,
java.util.Locale locale)
Creates a new SOAPFault object and adds it to this SOAPBody object. |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.addFaultReasonText(java.lang.String text,
java.util.Locale locale)
Appends or replaces a Reason Text item containing the specified text message and an xml:lang derived from locale. |
SOAPHeader |
Creates a SOAPHeader object and sets it as the SOAPHeader object
for this SOAPEnvelope object. |
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addHeaderElement(Name name)
Creates a new SOAPHeaderElement object initialized with the specified name and
adds it to this SOAPHeader object. |
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addHeaderElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addNamespaceDeclaration(java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addNotUnderstoodHeaderElement(QName qname)
Creates a new NotUnderstood SOAPHeaderElement object initialized with the specified name and adds it to this SOAPHeader object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.addTextNode(java.lang.String text)
SOAPElement |
SOAPEnvelopeImpl.addTextNode(java.lang.String text)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.addTextNode(java.lang.String text)
Creates a new Text object initialized with the given String and
adds it to this SOAPElement object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addTextNode(java.lang.String text)
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addUpgradeHeaderElement(java.util.Iterator iterator)
Creates a new Upgrade SOAPHeaderElement object initialized with the specified List of supported SOAP URIs and adds it to this SOAPHeader object. |
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addUpgradeHeaderElement(java.lang.String s)
SOAPHeaderElement |
SOAPHeaderImpl.addUpgradeHeaderElement(java.lang.String[] as)
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.appendFaultSubcode(QName subcode)
Adds a Subcode to the end of the sequence of Subcodes contained by this SOAPFault. |
SOAPMessage |
SOAPConnectionImpl.call(SOAPMessage request,
java.lang.Object endpoint)
Sends the given message to the specified endpoint and blocks until it has returned the response. |
void |
Closes this SOAPConnection object. |
SOAPConnection |
Create a new SOAPConnection . |
Detail |
Creates a new Detail object which serves as a container for
DetailEntry objects. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPFactoryImpl.createElement(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
SOAPElement |
SOAPFactoryImpl.createElement(Name name)
Create a SOAPElement object initialized with the given Name
object. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPFactoryImpl.createElement(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPFactoryImpl.createElement(java.lang.String localName)
Create a SOAPElement object initialized with the given local name. |
SOAPElement |
SOAPFactoryImpl.createElement(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Create a new SOAPElement object with the given local name, prefix and uri. |
SOAPFault |
Creates a new default SOAPFault object |
SOAPFault |
SOAPFactoryImpl.createFault(java.lang.String reasonText,
QName faultCode)
Creates a new SOAPFault object initialized with the given reasonText and faultCode |
SOAPMessage |
Creates a new SOAPMessage object with the default SOAPPart ,
SOAPEnvelope , SOAPBody , and SOAPHeader objects. |
SOAPMessage |
MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(MimeHeaders mimeheaders,
java.io.InputStream inputstream)
Internalizes the contents of the given InputStream object into a new
SOAPMessage object and returns the SOAPMessage object. |
Name |
SOAPFactoryImpl.createName(java.lang.String localName)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name. |
Name |
SOAPEnvelopeImpl.createName(java.lang.String localName)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name. |
Name |
SOAPFactoryImpl.createName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace
prefix, and namespace URI. |
Name |
SOAPEnvelopeImpl.createName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Creates a new Name object initialized with the given local name, namespace
prefix, and namespace URI. |
QName |
SOAPBodyElementImpl.createQName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
QName |
DetailImpl.createQName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
QName |
SOAPBodyImpl.createQName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
QName |
SOAPElementImpl.createQName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
Creates a QName whose namespace URI is the one associated with the parameter, prefix, in the context of this SOAPElement. |
QName |
DetailEntryImpl.createQName(java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String prefix)
org.w3c.dom.Document |
Creates a new DOM org.w3c.dom.Document and sets the first child of this SOAPBody as its document element. |
SOAPMessage |
SOAPConnectionImpl.get(java.lang.Object to)
overrided SOAPConnection's get() method |
AttachmentPart |
SOAPMessageImpl.getAttachment(SOAPElement soapelement)
Returns an AttachmentPart object that is associated with an attachment that is referenced by this SOAPElement or null if no such attachment exists. |
java.io.InputStream |
SOAPBody |
Returns the SOAPBody object associated with this SOAPEnvelope
object. |
javax.xml.transform.Source |
Returns the content of the SOAPEnvelope as a JAXP Source object. |
java.lang.Object |
Gets the content of this AttachmentPart object as a Java object. |
javax.activation.DataHandler |
Gets the DataHandler object for this AttachmentPart object. |
SOAPEnvelope |
Gets the SOAPEnvelope object associated with this SOAPPart object. |
java.util.Iterator |
Returns an Iterator over a distinct sequence of Locales for which there are associated Reason Text items. |
java.lang.String |
SOAPFaultImpl.getFaultReasonText(java.util.Locale locale)
Returns the Reason Text associated with the given Locale. |
java.util.Iterator |
Returns an Iterator over a sequence of String objects containing all of the Reason Text items for this SOAPFault. |
SOAPHeader |
Returns the SOAPHeader object for this SOAPEnvelope object. |
org.apache.axiom.om.OMText |
Retrieve the OMText |
java.lang.Object |
SOAPMessageImpl.getProperty(java.lang.String property)
Retrieves value of the specified property. |
java.io.InputStream |
Gets the content of this AttachmentPart object as an InputStream as if a call had been made to getContent and no DataContentHandler had been registered for the content-type of this AttachmentPart.Note that reading from the returned InputStream would result in consuming the data in the stream. |
byte[] |
Gets the content of this AttachmentPart object as a byte[] array as if a call had been made to getContent and no DataContentHandler had been registered for the content-type of this AttachmentPart. |
int |
Returns the number of bytes in this AttachmentPart object. |
SOAPBody |
Gets the SOAP Body contained in this SOAPMessage object. |
SOAPHeader |
Gets the SOAP Header contained in this SOAPMessage object. |
protected MessageFactory |
SAAJMetaFactoryImpl.newMessageFactory(java.lang.String soapVersion)
protected SOAPFactory |
SAAJMetaFactoryImpl.newSOAPFactory(java.lang.String soapVersion)
void |
Updates this SOAPMessage object with all the changes that have been made to it. |
void |
AttachmentPartImpl.setBase64Content(java.io.InputStream content,
java.lang.String contentType)
Sets the content of this attachment part from the Base64 source InputStream and sets the value of the Content-Type header to the value contained in contentType, This method would first decode the base64 input and write the resulting raw bytes to the attachment. |
void |
SOAPPartImpl.setContent(javax.xml.transform.Source source)
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyElementImpl.setElementQName(QName newName)
SOAPElement |
DetailImpl.setElementQName(QName newName)
SOAPElement |
SOAPBodyImpl.setElementQName(QName qname)
SOAPElement |
SOAPElementImpl.setElementQName(QName newName)
SOAPElement |
DetailEntryImpl.setElementQName(QName newName)
void |
SOAPElementImpl.setEncodingStyle(java.lang.String encodingStyle)
Sets the encoding style for this SOAPElement object to one specified. |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.setFaultActor(java.lang.String faultActor)
Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault actor.The fault actor is the recipient in the message path who caused the fault to happen. |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.setFaultCode(Name faultCodeName)
Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code.Fault codes, which give information about the fault, are defined in the SOAP 1.1 specification. |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.setFaultCode(QName qname)
Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code. |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.setFaultCode(java.lang.String faultCode)
Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code. |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.setFaultNode(java.lang.String s)
Creates or replaces any existing Node element value for this SOAPFault object. |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.setFaultRole(java.lang.String uri)
Creates or replaces any existing Role element value for this SOAPFault object. |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.setFaultString(java.lang.String faultString)
Sets the fault string for this SOAPFault object to the given string. |
void |
SOAPFaultImpl.setFaultString(java.lang.String faultString,
java.util.Locale locale)
Sets the fault string for this SOAPFault object to the given string. |
void |
SOAPBodyElementImpl.setParentElement(SOAPElement parent)
void |
SOAPPartImpl.setParentElement(SOAPElement parent)
void |
NodeImplEx.setParentElement(SOAPElement parent)
Sets the parent of this Node object to the given SOAPElement
object. |
void |
SOAPElementImpl.setParentElement(SOAPElement parent)
void |
SOAPHeaderElementImpl.setParentElement(SOAPElement parent)
void |
AttachmentPartImpl.setRawContent(java.io.InputStream content,
java.lang.String contentType)
Sets the content of this attachment part to that contained by the InputStream content and sets the value of the Content-Type header to the value contained in contentType.A subsequent call to getSize() may not be an exact measure of the content size. |
void |
AttachmentPartImpl.setRawContentBytes(byte[] content,
int offset,
int len,
java.lang.String contentType)
Sets the content of this attachment part to that contained by the byte[] array content and sets the value of the Content-Type header to the value contained in contentType. |
void |
SOAPHeaderElementImpl.setRelay(boolean flag)
Sets the relay attribute for this SOAPHeaderElement to be either true or false. |
void |
SOAPHeaderElementImpl.setRole(java.lang.String uri)
Sets the Role associated with this SOAPHeaderElement object to the specified Role. |
protected org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope |
SOAPConnectionImpl.toOMSOAPEnvelope(SOAPMessage saajSOAPMsg)
Converts a SAAJ SOAPMessage to an OM SOAPEnvelope |
void |
SOAPMessageImpl.writeTo(java.io.OutputStream out)
Writes this SOAPMessage object to the given output stream. |
Constructors in org.apache.axis2.saaj that throw SOAPException | |
SOAPMessageImpl(java.io.InputStream inputstream,
MimeHeaders mimeHeaders)
SOAPPartImpl(SOAPMessageImpl parentSoapMsg,
java.io.InputStream inputStream)
SOAPPartImpl(SOAPMessageImpl parentSoapMsg,
java.io.InputStream inputStream,
MimeHeaders mimeHeaders)