Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceContext

Uses of ServiceContext in org.apache.axis2.client

Fields in org.apache.axis2.client declared as ServiceContext
protected  ServiceContext

Methods in org.apache.axis2.client that return ServiceContext
 ServiceContext ServiceClient.getServiceContext()
          Get the service context.

Constructors in org.apache.axis2.client with parameters of type ServiceContext
OperationClient(AxisOperation axisOp, ServiceContext sc, Options options)

Uses of ServiceContext in org.apache.axis2.context

Methods in org.apache.axis2.context that return ServiceContext
 ServiceContext ServiceGroupContext.findServiceContext(AxisService axisSrv)
          Finds the service context object that corresponds to the specified AxisService from the list of service contexts for this service group context.
 ServiceContext ServiceGroupContext.findServiceContext(java.lang.String name)
          Finds the service context object that corresponds to the specified name from the list of service contexts for this service group context.
 ServiceContext OperationContext.getServiceContext()
          Returns the ServiceContext in which this OperationContext lives.
 ServiceContext MessageContext.getServiceContext()
 ServiceContext ServiceGroupContext.getServiceContext(AxisService service)
          Gets a service context.
 ServiceContext SessionContext.getServiceContext(AxisService axisService)

Methods in org.apache.axis2.context with parameters of type ServiceContext
 void ServiceGroupContext.addServiceContext(ServiceContext srvctx)
          Adds the specified service context object to the lists of service contexts for this service group context.
 void SessionContext.addServiceContext(ServiceContext serviceContext)
static OperationContext OperationContextFactory.createOperationContext(int mepURI, AxisOperation axisOp, ServiceContext serviceContext)
 boolean ServiceContext.isEquivalent(ServiceContext ctx)
          Compares key parts of the state from the current instance of this class with the specified instance to see if they are equivalent.
 void ServiceContext.putContextProperties(ServiceContext context, boolean doParentProperties)
          This will do a copy of the properties from this context object to the properties of the specified context object.
 void MessageContext.setServiceContext(ServiceContext context)

Constructors in org.apache.axis2.context with parameters of type ServiceContext
OperationContext(AxisOperation axisOperation, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Constructs a new OperationContext.

Uses of ServiceContext in org.apache.axis2.description

Methods in org.apache.axis2.description with parameters of type ServiceContext
 void AxisService.attachServiceContextEvent(ServiceContext sc, MessageContext mc)
          Signal an Attach ServiceContext Event
 void MessageContextListener.attachServiceContextEvent(ServiceContext sc, MessageContext mc)
 OperationClient OutOnlyAxisOperation.createClient(ServiceContext sc, Options options)
          Returns a MEP client for an Out-only operation.
 OperationClient OutInAxisOperation.createClient(ServiceContext sc, Options options)
          Returns a MEP client for an Out-IN operation.
 OperationClient AxisOperation.createClient(ServiceContext sc, Options options)
 OperationClient RobustOutOnlyAxisOperation.createClient(ServiceContext sc, Options options)
 OperationContext AxisOperation.findOperationContext(MessageContext msgContext, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Finds a MEPContext for an incoming message.

Uses of ServiceContext in org.apache.axis2.engine

Methods in org.apache.axis2.engine with parameters of type ServiceContext
static void DependencyManager.destroyServiceObject(ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Notify a service object that it's on death row.
static void DependencyManager.initServiceClass(java.lang.Object obj, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Deprecated. please use initServiceObject()
static void DependencyManager.initServiceObject(java.lang.Object obj, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Initialize a new service object.

Uses of ServiceContext in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.marshaller.impl.alt

Methods in org.apache.axis2.jaxws.marshaller.impl.alt with parameters of type ServiceContext
 void UnmarshalMessageContextListener.attachServiceContextEvent(ServiceContext sc, MessageContext mc)
static void UnmarshalMessageContextListener.create(ServiceContext sc)
          Create and add a listener

Uses of ServiceContext in org.apache.axis2.service

Methods in org.apache.axis2.service with parameters of type ServiceContext
 void Lifecycle.destroy(ServiceContext context)
          destroy() is called when Axis2 decides that it is finished with a particular instance of the back-end service class.
 void Lifecycle.init(ServiceContext context)
          init() is called when a new instance of the implementing class has been created.

Uses of ServiceContext in org.apache.axis2.util

Methods in org.apache.axis2.util that return ServiceContext
static ServiceContext Utils.fillContextInformation(AxisService axisService, ConfigurationContext configurationContext)

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